Network with Others

Expand Your Zuora Network

Professional connections are more important than ever  - especially among Zuora users for career direction, networking, best practices, and peer-to-peer discussions.  Leverage the Zuora Community to connect with others who share your role, live in your geographical area, or share your product-related interests.

Role-Based Communities

Connect with others and share experiences with others who use Zuora as you do.



Regional Communities 

Discuss location-based Zuora issues with others in your geographical area.

DACH Community Chapter
JZUG (Japan Zuora User Group) 

Looking to hire a Zuora expert for your company or perhaps you're looking for new opportunity? Browse or share job descriptions with the Community.


Upcoming Community Events 

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Community Programs

Table Talks

Collaboratively connect with Zuora experts along with other users on different monthly topics ranging from APIs to Zuora Revenue. View upcoming sessions

Community Exchanges

Monthly customer-driven discussions where attendees bring top-of-mind topics to exchange ideas and solutions.  Interested in collaborating? Contact us

Make a Difference as a Community Insider

Share feedback or program ideas that will help you with your Journey to Usership™ as a Community Insider where you can also get previews of upcoming changes to the Zuora Community.


Engagement Leaderboard

Follow members to stay updated on their contributions.