
Have Ideas on How to Improve Zuora?

Use this space to suggest new product ideas or feature requests.  Please sign in to browse and share your feedback.

Status Descriptions

  1. Submitted - These ideas are ones that have not yet been categorized.
  2. In Review - The product team needs further investigating for it to progress.
  3. Planned - Ideas have been reviewed and accepted and are currently waiting to be scheduled for development within the next 1-2 fiscal years.
  4. In Development - Our product and engineering teams are actively working on the idea’s development.
  5. Delivered - The idea has already been developed and you can begin using this feature.
  6. Not Planned - The idea is not on the short-term product roadmap.
  7. Duplicate - This idea is similar to one that has already been accepted.
  8. Legacy - Ideas that have received no update in 2 calendar years. These ideas can still be viewed, commented upon, upvoted and have its status updated to any of the above.