
Configurable Regions and Subregions in Zuora

By Lana Lee posted 08-24-2023 10:41


On August 22nd, @Shakir Karim, VP of Product Management for Zuora Platform shared an overview of Configurable Regions / Countries in Zuora which is currently an early access feature that is still looking for users who are interested in trying it out and sharing feedback with the team. During that session, he also gave a sneak peak into Configurable Subregions (States/Provinces) which is next on the roadmap. Review the video and presentation here.

Across all of our core applications, Zuora had provided a hard-coded country, state, and province list preventing customizability. Customers would transform Zuora values as downstream to support customizability with any front-facing e-commerce experiences.

With this, we heard from a number of customers asking for the ability to

  • Customize by changing the names of countries or states in Zuora based on governance policies.
  • Configure and add additional countries or states in Zuora based on business needs.
  • Constrain and restrict which countries or states that can be selected or supported in Zuora.



Customer Request

Cape Verde

Cabo Verde

Czech Republic


Libyan Arab Jamahiriya


Macedonia, the former Yugoslav 

North Macedonia

Republic of Swaziland


Washington DC

District of Columbia

Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands, U.S.


Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Viet Nam


- (not available)

Canary Islands


- (deactivate)

Introducing Configurable Countries and Regions

Configurable Countries and Regions is an Early Access feature that allows you to “Manage Regions” Billing Setting for self-service through the

  • Deactivation of Zuora default Country / Region
  • Editing of Zuora Country / Region name in all locales / languages
  • Ability to create new Country / Region names

NOTE: ISOs cannot be changed as they break Payment and Tax connectors. 

Roadmap - Country, State, and Provinces



Now - Early Availability

Contact Zuora Support to request this feature be enabled in your sandbox ASAP!  (if any issue, contact me direct:

Q3 Oct ‘23 - General Availability

Based on customer acceptance, we will roll this out to all customers.

Q1 2024 - Configurable Provinces, States, and  Subregions 

Same configurability for your subregions will follow!


Test Drive Configurable Regions and Subregions

We are on a journey to empower customers to configure their regions and subregions by allowing our users to change the names of countries/regions (excluding ISO codes due to integration impacts) in default tenant locales along with all other supported languages. Additionally, you will be able to deactivate a country/region to prevent ongoing usage (new accounts or payment methods) and keep an existing record as-is to mitigate impacts.

If you’re interested in testing out the capability and giving us feedback before it becomes generally available, we would be excited to work with you. Please reach out to Shakir Karim or Zuora Support to enable the capability.