
Demonstrations: Workflow Types and Monitoring

By Lana Lee posted 10-24-2023 16:29


This October, our Workflow workshop was focused on demonstrations and answering your questions which included a demonstration on Workflow types and sharing how to use Workflows to monitor, control, and report your Zuora processes.

Workflow Types (Video)

Before building a workflow, a best practice is to think more about your scenarios and map out end-to-end what you’d like to achieve. The first step is to leverage Workflow Types which will help you plan your use cases and build more efficient and optimized workflows.

In the past, we discovered that users who didn’t dedicate time mapping out their scenario and added a Workflow into production, found themselves with issues like workflows that have slowed down or have bottlenecked other processes.

Watch the video below to see how Karn setups up a Workflow type:

Demo: Workflow Types

Monitoring with Workflow

During the open discussion, the topic was brought up about technical, but non-developer Workflow builders and where or what resources one should start with to understand workflows from a monitor, control, report perspective. For example, how many invoices did it process, where to look, how to report out of Data Query/Reporting to help monitor processes, etc.

In this video below, Karn demonstrates how to leverage Workflow tools to build out your own monitoring processes.

Q&A: Workflow Resources to Monitor, Control, Report

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