
[Videos] Tips to Help Boost Your Zuora Performance

By Lana Lee posted 07-15-2022 16:05


The ability to process big jobs quickly helps our customers realize some pretty audacious goals even during peak traffic periods. On July 14th, the Community hosted a Table Talk with @Kenta Tomura, Senior Manager of Product Strategy where he discussed several factors that could affect Zuora performance and introduced Zuora’s Performance Booster which increases your ability to scale internal operations at peak periods with Zuora’s Parallel Processing Engine.  

Three of the most contributing factors to Zuora performance issues involve bill and payment runs and API Concurrency. 

Bill and Payment Run Performance

Bill run performance is affected by 

  1. Volume and account distribution
  2. Subscription complexity
  3. Usage volume
  4. Tax engine response time
  5. Accounts with many subscriptions (e.g. Reseller)

Meanwhile, Payment run performance is often affected by payment and volume distribution and payment gateway response time.

To improve bill and payment runs

  • Consider the entire flow and define the “window of time” - Do you need ample time to review draft invoices? Any post processing (e.g. external systems)?  
  • Measure and track performance over time by looking at your data source for your bill and payment runs as well as investigating any impact to payment success. 
  • Rationalize bill and payment run setup

Reference: Bill and Payment Run Analysis (SQL files)

API Concurrency Performance

The existing request limits can impact your Zuora integration and performance. A best practice to improve API concurrency performance is to take inventory your API calls and source:

  • Customer-facing experience (e.g. self-service)
    • Checkout (create or update Subscriptions)
    • Querying customer data
  • Backend (e.g. Zuora Workflow)
    • Querying customer data
    • Dunning (write-offs, update Subscriptions)

Learn More About Zuora Performance Booster

 Performance Booster provides the ability to maximize cash flow and efficiency, banish timeouts and continual improvements to allow: 

  • Bill run micro-batching through parallel processing of invoices generation within each Bill Run.
  • Payment run micro-batching through parallel processing of payments within each Payment Run
  • Doubling of API concurrency limits

If you missed the Table Talk or just want to review what was covered, you can rewatch the Table Talks on demand now.  Performance Booster is available to all customers. Reach out to your CSM when you’re ready to add it to your environment mix or for any further questions. 

Learn More

View Presentation

[Playlist] Performance Booster

About Community Table Talks

Table Talks are collaborative Zuora Community events where customers have the opportunity to connect with Zuora experts along with other users. Each month, the community hosts a new Table Talk on different topics from APIs to Zuora Revenue.  View the Community Calendar to see what’s coming up and Subscribe to the Community News to receive announcements for new sessions.