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Maintenance: SSL certificate update for the endpoint *

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  • 1.  Maintenance: SSL certificate update for the endpoint *

    Posted 04-26-2023 12:28
    Edited by Lana Lee 05-02-2023 13:59
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    We are updating the SSL certificate used for the following endpoint: * 

    We are updating the SSL certificate used for the endpoint listed above due to its upcoming expiration on May 2, 2023. This change should be non-impactful to the frontend application access, and Revenue Rest API services may need to import the new certificates attached here.

    When will these changes take effect on the Zuora side?

    • These changes will occur on April 27 at  9:30 PM PST

    How will this change impact me?

    • Frontend Application: None.
    • Zuora Revenue(RevPro) Integration API: You may need to import the intermediate certificates into the integration tool.

    What action must I take?

    • Check with your integration team for new certificate pinning in the integration tool.  As long as you are not performing certificate pinning, you should encounter no problems.

    Srinivas Guduru
