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  • 1.  Zuora Commerce Enhancement Release

    Posted 01-08-2019 21:46

    Commerce Release Update *UPDATED*

    17 January 2019


    On Thursday, January 17th, 2019 (previously Monday, January 14th, 2019), the Subscriber Portal will be receiving several enhancements to improve usability. Existing Subscriber Portal instances and their configurations will not be impacted by this release. 



    • Admin portal enhancements to give the site a more consistent look and feel, as well as provide a few feature enhancements including:
      1. The ability to override a piece of the CSS as opposed to viewing the entire CSS
      2. An email template section for added control over emails generated from the portal including Email Invitations, Password Reset, and New Account Confirmation.
        Email templates can be plain text or HTML.
      3. Updated dashboard functionality to become much more configurable through JavaScript & HTML:
        • The ability to set and modify the Carousel Links so that you can better control the user experience on your portal
        • The addition of a new feature, Quicklinks. Quicklinks grants you the ability to label and link to any HTTP: or HTTPS: link that you desire for your customers to see
        • Dashboard tiles can be enabled, disabled, shifted around and resized to fit your design needs
        • A new tile has been added to display end subscribers usage
        • The ability to add a new tile with custom HTML & JavaScript, including the ability to inherit CSS from the default class, and call into Zuora to pull information to display on the custom panel
      4. New payment constraints allowing you to set a minimum and maximum payment amount based on payment method.
        For example, set the minimum or maximum amount to limit the dollar amount made to a credit card, reducing the amount of fees that would be paid.
      5. New setting to enable the ability to allow end subscribers to:
        • View & pay debit memos with created payment methods
        • View credit memos and how they have been applied
        • Use credit memos when paying invoices or debit memos
      6. Option to restrict which contacts can view the portal. This is the first step towards user roles and will either grant a user full access to a given account, or prevent a user from viewing an account.
      7. New option to force password rules when end subscribers set their portal passwords.
      8. New internationalization options to control all of the text displayed in the site with internationalization.  Languages text is entered in the portal and a selection can be made by the end subscriber. You can also set what the default language is for the site.
      9. Enable the ability to view usage in a custom panel, as well as show a usage screen to the end subscriber.  When viewing usage via the portal the end subscriber can also choose to filter the usage and have it emailed to them.
    • Contact screen enhancements:
      1. Better grouping and display of contact details
      2. Adding a new contact
      3. Address validation when entering an address
    • Promo Codes enhancements:
      1. Bulk Promo Creation
      2. Upgraded API to allow users to query by campaign
      3. Implement notification upon creation of campaign

    Future Enhancements

    • Subscription management features that allow you to create new subscriptions, and manage existing subscriptions.
    • Enhanced admin portal layout including the ability to search for configuration.
    • Integration with the promo codes app supporting coupon like functionality to end subscribers.
    • Pricebooks addition to control pricing based on various attributes.


  • 2.  Zuora Commerce Enhancement Release

    Posted 01-15-2019 12:49

    The release date has been delayed to Thursday, January 17th, 2019. 

  • 3.  Zuora Commerce Enhancement Release

    Posted 01-17-2019 15:16



    Do you know which environments will be affected by this implementation?

  • 4.  Zuora Commerce Enhancement Release

    Posted 01-28-2019 15:39

    Is there an update on this release? Has it been completed?

  • 5.  Zuora Commerce Enhancement Release

    Posted 01-30-2019 19:32

    @czarco and @jfisher This was released on Thursday, January 17th 2018.