Sandbox deployment for 2022.03.R3 is complete.
We have updated the release notes (
here) with the following changes:
Zuora Billing >
Orders and Subscriptions, added "New fields on Order details page".
Zuora Billing >
Orders and Subscriptions, added the functionality support through the Orders UI in "One-time per unit charge model supported when adding order line item from product catalog".
Zuora Billing >
Invoicing and Tax, added "New fields available on Invoice, Credit Memo, and Debit Memo objects".
Zuora Billing >
Usage and Rating, added "Prepaid with Drawdown feature now available for Early Adopters".
Zuora Collect >
Cash Applications, added "Payment REST APIs now support returning the account number field".
Zuora Collect >
Payments, removed "Automatic migration of existing payment methods to support stored credential transactions". This enhancement will be available in a subsequent release.
Zuora Central Platform >
Audit Trail, added "Support for auditing Chase Orbital payment gateway configuration changes".
Original Message:
Sent: 03-02-2022 19:32
From: Zuora Release Management
Subject: Release 2022.03.R3 - March 2022
The planned Zuora release windows are:
- Sandbox release window: 03/08/22 (Tue) - 03/10/22 (Thu)
- Production release window: 03/15/22 (Tue) - 03/17/22 (Thu)
Release Notes - Here is the link to the release notes. Changes are expected in Zuora Billing, Collect, and Central Platform (subject to change).
Release Status Updates - Any updates to the release status will be reflected in the comments to this post.
For the Sandbox and Production release schedule for the first half of 2022, see Zuora Release Management.