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  • 1.  Zuora University Overview

    Posted 11-29-2021 13:50


    A lot of our customers have been asking us for a little more support - whether you need help onboarding a new hire that needs to grow into an admin or whether youve been using Zuora for awhile and just want to brush up on best practices.


    We created this program at Zuora University so that you can learn Zuora on your own time and in your own learning style as it pertains to your role.


    Role-based Training

    We have self-guided training thats broken down into 6 role-based buckets:

    1. Billing and Payment Operations
    2. Accounting and Finance
    3. Admin
    4. Sales and Sales Operations
    5. IT Developer
    6. Product Manager

    In addition to the self-guided courses, which are broken down into modular thirty minute bits, we also offer 12 live instructor video conference training sessions a month. This is the opportunity to work with a live instructor in real-time, and get answers to your questions that would be easier to do with a person, than through a program.


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    Zuora Certification Programs

    In addition to our self-paced courses and virtual instructor-led training, we also have two certification programs:

    1. Zuora Admin Certification
    2. Zuora Product Catalog Manager Certification

    Many of our customers like to use these certifications as a formal litmus test; some sort of formal gate that people have to go through before they are the official owner of the product catalog or the Zuora admin for your business collectively.


    Get More Out of Zuora

    We look forward to learning more about how our customers are using Zuora and determining whether this would be something that would help you get more out of the system in the future.


    For more information, please comment below, send me a PM or email me at


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