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In our latest Revenue Table Talk on July 17th, we focused on discussing the Significant Financing Component (SFC) and Mass Action functionalities within Zuora Revenue. View Presentation | Watch Full Video Tool Tip: In-App Notifications - Quarterly Releases Watch video to learn more We opened the session with a Tool Tip on our new in-app notifications on Zuora’s quarterly releases which is designed to alert users about upcoming scheduled releases, release completions, and ad-hoc deployments through automatic pop-ups and a dedicated notifications icon within the app. Figure 1: Zuora Revenue in-app notification system for ...
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As part of our ongoing support of our upcoming legacy login deprecation , we are holding monthly OneID office hours to answer questions and share some best practices . Additional OneID Table Talks can be found in the Community Resource Library . View Presentation | Watch Full Video Onboarding to OneID Watch video to learn more Do not worry about your existing login, you will have access to your existing credentials for your tenants until August 1st. Your new OneID account will be an additional login to your Zuora applications. Rename your global OneID roles that were imported from your local tenants ...
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Zuora’s Advanced Consumption Billing module offers robust capabilities to manage complex usage-based models seamlessly. On June 18th, the Zuora Community hosted Lukasz Weber, Director of Product Management and Katherine Shealy, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, who provided an overview of the feature along with a demonstration. View Presentation | Watch Full Video What is Advanced Consumption Billing? Watch Video to Learn More Mediation : Accurately capture, transform, and meter usage data Real-time Usage Rating : Provides visibility into charges, overages, or underages before they’ve actually been billed Usage ...
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When you set up Zuora OneID, you have a choice to either use user groups or allow direct tenant access. Below are some guidelines when deciding between the two Use User Groups in OneID To manage and simplify access control by assigning permissions and roles to groups rather than individual users, ensuring consistency and reducing administrative overhead. To control access to resources, applications, and services, ensuring that only authorized users have the necessary permissions. To apply security policies, configurations, and updates uniformly across all members of a group. When you have many users with similar access requirements, managing ...
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We recognize the importance of presenting the right payment methods to boost customer conversion rates across various countries and geographies. At our May 2024 What’s New in Zuora webinar, we shared how our new Payment Forms streamline this process, reducing the need to rely on IT. Additionally we introduced Rules-Based Gateway Routing that enables you to optimize your authorization rates and minimize processing fees by selecting the ideal gateway provider for each transaction. Gateway routing automatically routes transactions based on pre-configured rules, ensuring best performance and cost efficiency. Q&A Highlights Payment ...
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At our May 2024 What’s New in Zuora webinar, we showcased our in-product Benchmarks feature that is designed to help analyze how your business is doing relative to the competitors in your industry by leveraging AI to suggest best practices for specific metrics tailored to each industry. This new feature ensures that business performance and growth meet market standards and that automation aligns with industry best practices. Q&A Highlights Will there be a cost associated with Benchmarks? There's also no cost for the Benchmarks Dashboard. Is there an ability to look at the Benchmark data based on different subscription groups ...
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On June 13th, the Community was joined by Zuora Associate Product Manager, Sheetal Prakash who shared an overview of Zuora’s Billing Connector for Salesforce CPQ which optimizes the quote-to-billing-to-revenue process with reduced bottlenecks and enhanced operational efficiency by eliminating data management complexities. View Presentation | Watch Full Video A Superior Subscription Billing Experience for SFDC Customers Watch video to learn more Pre-Configured Data Mapping with Data Model Alignment: Mitigate complexities associated with point-to-point integrations. Ensure coherence and data integrity while adhering ...
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At our May 2024 What’s New in Zuora webinar, we introduced the Zuora Integration Hub which is where you can access 60+ connectors from one place for leading CRMs, ERPs, payment gateways, and tax vendors. Reduce TCO across the monetization lifecycle Say goodbye to operating costs with the Zuora Platform managing all technical aspects of every integration. Q&A Highlights Would this Integration Hub facilitate data movement between Salesforce CPQ & Zuora Billing? Or is that any roadmap functionality being considered? If you have a data destination not available today, please reach out and let us know so we can evaluate whether we ...
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As part of our ongoing support of our upcoming legacy login deprecation , we are holding monthly OneID office hours with Principal Product Manager, Bharath Marimuthu who was on-hand to answer questions after sharing some best practices from questions asked before the session in the Zuora Administrators group. View Presentation | Watch Full Video Things to Do After Onboarding to OneID Watch video to learn more Do not worry about your existing login, you will have access to your existing credentials for your tenants until August 1st. Your new OneID account will be an additional login to your Zuora applications. ...
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On May 29th, Senior Product Manager @Poorva Oberoi joined us at a Community Table Talk on Invoice Settlement Harmonization where she shared an overview of Invoice Settlement and Harmonization and gave a demonstration. View presentation | Watch full video Invoice Adjustments - What We’ve Heard Watch video to learn more No Control over Payment application Payments always need to be ‘applied’ Once applied, how a payment is applied cannot be changed No way to apply payment at the item level No Commercial documents for credits For issuing a credit, sellers cannot issue a document/ Invoice No Incremental ...
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On May 20th, the Community was joined by Product Manager, Alvin Beyerlein, Jamie Warner, VP Software Engineering, and Shakir Karim, VP Product Management to capture feedback and walk through Zuora’s new sync capabilities coming in H2, along with our vision for the future. View Presentation | Watch Full Video Salesforce Connector Overview and Best Practices Watch video to learn more The Salesforce connector can be best leveraged for enriching your SFDC reports and dashboards to get Zuora data integrated with your existing flows and provide in-depth data around subscriptions. It can also be optimized to sync large amounts of data ...
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On May 16th, the Zuora Community was joined by Senior Director of Product Management Nikki Wong who shared some common use cases for Zuora Revenue Variable considerations along with a Revenue Tool Tip on Reporting - Historical Waterfall (Actuals). View Presentation | Watch Video Revenue Tool Tip: Reporting - Historical Waterfall (Actuals) Watch video to learn more This tool tip introduces ​​an enhancement on release on our waterfall. Waterfall Type Revenue, Billed Revenue, Unbilled Revenue Adjustments, Contract Impairment (with release 37.017.01) Net Revenue Waterfall Types ...
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On May 7th, the Community was joined by Zuora Sr. Product Manager Prachi Bhatia who demonstrated integrating Git with Zuora Deployment Manager. Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is more than development of code, it is about making decisions about the application, development, deployments, testing and maintenance of the application. It's about the process and tools. Zuora offers a complete framework of tools that are designed to support your development team for developing, deploying and testing. View Presentation | View Full Recording Application Lifecycle Management Watch video to learn more Application Lifecycle Management ...
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As part of our ongoing support of our upcoming legacy login deprecation , we are holding monthly OneID office hours with Principal Product Manager, Bharath Marimuthu who was on-hand to answer questions after sharing some best practices from questions asked before the session in the Zuora Administrators group. View Presentation | Watch Full Video Things to Do After Onboarding to OneID Watch video to learn more Do not worry about your existing login, you will have access to your existing credentials for your tenants until August 1st. Your new OneID account will be an additional login to your Zuora applications. ...
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In today’s landscape, complexity makes systems rigid, creating challenges like having logic and orchestration being coded outside of Zuora, increased frustration due to long builders, and inflexible solutions and heavy maintenance inhibiting innovating and modernizing your organization. With Logic Layer, we will enable Admins and Devs to own business decisions and logic directly in Zuora. Learn more . On April 25th, we were joined by @Ishir Vasavada , Technical Product Manager, Data Management Services and @Karnbir Singh , Senior Product Manager who gave overviews and demonstrations of this new feature. View Presentation | Watch Full Video ...
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HubSpot is a CRM and CPQ that is gaining momentum in the market. This connector helps complete business processes from HubSpot in Zuora to provide your business the subscription backend along with auditing, compliance and revenue capabilities. On April 10th, we were joined by Associate Product Manager Sheetal Prakash who gave an overview of the connector along with a demonstration. Watch full video | View presentation Hubspot Connector Overview Watch video to learn more Zuora’s Billing connector to Hubspot allows customers to complete business processes by creating Zuora Subscriptions, orders, invoices, payments ...
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When it comes to Zuora Revenue reporting, there is a lot of information to cover which is why we decided to devote two Table Talk sessions to this topic. In February our first Revenue reporting session covered reporting best practices, revenue reporting and journal entries along with some examples. In this second session, we dive deeper into journal entries, diagnosing problems with reports using journal entries, and the Close Process Dashboard. Watch full video | View presentation Zuora Revenue Reporting Best Practices Watch video to learn more Feature Recommendation Benefits ...
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As part of our ongoing support of our upcoming legacy login deprecation , we are holding monthly OneID office hours with Principal Product Manager, @Bharath Marimuthu who was on-hand to answer questions after a brief discussion on the 2-step OneID migration process . Office Hour Questions What is the date this will be the required log in process for the Sandbox and Production accounts? How will it sync to one username and password? What is the impact on the integration user? An org might have shadow resources for a project who use credentials of client facing resources for sandboxes only. After OneID, ...
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At our Revenue Table Talk on March 14th, Senior Director of Product Management Nikki Wong shared some common use cases for Zuora Revenue variable considerations. She also shared a Revenue Tool Tip on stage validation which is reviewing the data before we process it to avoid it being “stuck in stage”. View Presentation | Watch Full Video Revenue Tool Tip: Stage Validation Watch to Learn More While data is being processed in Zuora Revenue, the system will validate the data based on the set of rules. If the transaction fails to pass the rules, it will be “stuck in stage”, where Zuora Revenue will stop processing the translation with ...
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On March 26th, Principal Product Manager, Bharath Marimuthu held a Table Talk on Zuora Protect - our comprehensive suite of security features designed to enhance data protection, privacy, and compliance capabilities within Zuora. It provides your organization with advanced tools to safeguard sensitive information, prevent unauthorized access, and maintain the integrity of your data. View Presentation | Watch Full Video Enterprise-Grade Security for All Zuora Customers Watch video to learn more There already exists enterprise-grade security for all customers within Zuora’s core as a security operations center and for incident response. ...