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  • 1.  [RESOLVED] Search missing from group home and discussion tabs

    Posted 06-23-2023 16:26
    Edited by Lana Lee 06-26-2023 17:16

    Resolved: 6/26/23. Please let us know if you're unable to access search on the group home and discussion tabs

    Known issue:

    Missing search bar when one visits a group's home and discussion tabs allowing visitors more opportunities to search Zuora assets.  It is normally seen on the right-hand sidebar above the image.


    Search is still accessible from the community homepage, subsequent search result pages, etc. Please use those areas to search the Community.

    Estimated Fix: 

    We know what is causing this issue and hope to have this fixed in the next few days.  Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience!

    Lana Lee
    Zuora Community Senior Community Manager and Strategist

  • 2.  RE: [RESOLVED] Search missing from group home and discussion tabs

    Posted 06-26-2023 17:17

    Resolved: 6/26/23.

    Please let us know if you're still unable to access search on the group home and discussion tabs.  Thank you for your patience!

    Lana Lee
    Zuora Community Senior Community Manager and Strategist