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Impact Of Salesforce Winter 24 Release (Custom Label Translation) On Japanese Customers

  • 1.  Impact Of Salesforce Winter 24 Release (Custom Label Translation) On Japanese Customers

    Posted 09-26-2023 00:07
    Edited by Radhika Agarwal 09-26-2023 00:06

    Salesforce introduced the Winter 24 release in August 2023 in the Sandbox Environment and mid-October 2023 in the Production Environment.

    As a consequence of this update, Japanese customers whose organizations have been upgraded to Winter 24 may encounter a NULL Pointer Error with the message "Attempt to de-reference a null object" when attempting to create any type of Quote


    For our valued Japanese customer base, we recommend the following actions only if their organization has been upgraded to Winter 24:

    1. Modifying the translation of the "RECORD_TYPE_MASTER" label to its Japanese counterpart, "マスター," where the current translation value is "マスタ."

    2. Alternatively, consider upgrading your organization to the Zuora Quotes Package version 10.21.2. In this updated package, we have made the necessary adjustment by changing the translation value to "マスター" for the "RECORD_TYPE_MASTER" label.

    We want to emphasize once more that you should only take the actions mentioned above if your organization has already been upgraded to Winter 24.

    Radhika Agarwal