Revenue Release Notifications Archive Sandbox deployment. (Group1 Customers)

  • 1. Sandbox deployment. (Group1 Customers)

    Posted 11-13-2021 21:08

    We will be deploying a hot-fix ( to your sandbox on Sunday, between 08:30 PM & 11:30 PM Pacific.

    The following issues are addressed -

    • WorkBench journal entries tab taking longer to load: This bug only impacts Multi Org customers. We are tuning the code to resolve this performance issue.
    • Collecting same doc_line_id with different Org_Id.   This bug only impacts Multi Org customers. When you collect two transactions simultaneously with the same doc_line_id into two different Orgs, the collection job fails. We are addressing this issue.
    • There are also a few minor bugs related to Unified authentication and Close Process Dashboard. (You can ignore this, if you have not enabled Unified authentication)


    • This is a sandbox deployment only.
    • This message is only applicable to group1 customers.
    • Please raise a support ticket if you have any questions.

    Jai Vakati