Revenue Release Notifications Archive Sandbox deployment (Group2 Customers)

  • 1. Sandbox deployment (Group2 Customers)

    Posted 11-17-2021 09:49
    Edited by Jaisimha Vakati 11-17-2021 09:48
    We have deployed to your sandbox (Group2 customers). 

    Production deployment for group2 customers  is scheduled for the 18th of December. 

    Release Notes:

    1. WorkBench journal entries tab taking longer to load: This bug only impacts Multi Org customers. We are tuning the code to resolve this performance issue.
    2. Collecting same doc_line_id with different Org_Id  This bug only impacts Multi Org customers. When you collect two transactions simultaneously with the same doc_line_id into two different Orgs, the collection job fails. We are addressing this issue.
    3. There are also a few minor bugs related to Unified authentication and Close Process Dashboard. (You can ignore this, if you have not enabled Unified authentication)

    1. Adding an operator to the Revenue Sync filter criteria: This fix only applies to Billing- Revenue Integrated customers. In the revenue sync filter criteria we are supporting 'IN' operator.
    2. BI3View Performance bug:  We identified an issue where the 37.007 patch was updating the updated date to several records in the RPRO_BI3_RC_LNS_V view. This was resulting in performance issues. This is now addressed.
    3. Netting Bugs

    a. MJE Schedules were not considered by the Netting process This fix only applies to Billing -Revenue integrated customers. This issue is now addressed.

    b. Netting re-class entry amount in current month was not matching with next month reversal. This is a corner scenario and we have included checks to prevent this issue in future.


    • This is a sandbox deployment only.
    • This message is only applicable to group2 customers.
    • Please raise a support ticket if you have any questions.

    Jai Vakati