Revenue Release Notifications Archive

  • 1. Sandbox deployment - 20th April

    Posted 04-19-2021 15:39

    We will be deploying to your Sandbox on the 20th of April. 


    Production deployment will be on the 15th of May



    • This message is only applicable to customers who are already on 37.004.xx.xx 
    • This message does not apply to group2 customers
    • Please raise a support ticket if you have any questions


  • 2. Sandbox deployment - 20th April

    Posted 04-20-2021 01:16

    Hi Team,


    Can you just send the release notes so that we can analyse the impact Chegg Business due to this upgrade changes and when is the production upgrade for Chegg

  • 3. Sandbox deployment - 20th April

    Posted 04-20-2021 01:44