Maintenance Notifications Archive

SYSTEM MAINTENANCE - Americas Hosted, Production Environment - Zuora Billing - September 11, 2021

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  • 1.  SYSTEM MAINTENANCE - Americas Hosted, Production Environment - Zuora Billing - September 11, 2021

    Posted 09-09-2021 17:52
    No replies, thread closed.

    Maintenance is an essential and necessary part of keeping Zuora systems and infrastructure updated, highly available, and responsive. Our maintenance services are designed to protect your Zuora software environment(s) and ensure high availability and systems resiliency.


    Maintenance Window:
    2021/09/11 7:00 PM PDT to 7:30 PM PDT


    Environment(s) Affected:
    Americas Hosted, Production


    Zuora will be updating an internal SSL certificate serving static content during the outlined window above.  During the maintenance window, users may see intermittent page rendering issues to Zuora UI and HPM iFrame (HPM) while the updated certificate is propagated across our CDN. We anticipate minimal impact to service limited to less than 10 minutes within the window.

    This does not impact Zuora Billing API and no customer side certificate updates will be required.

    Potentially Impacted services:
    Zuora UI
    Hosted Payment Pages (HPM iFrame and javascript *.js files)

    Scott Blashek
    Zuora, Inc