Maintenance Notifications Archive

  • 1.  Notice of PCE, ePCE, PTE End of Life

    Posted 10-08-2020 13:57

    Zuora is excited to have launched Central Sandbox in June 2020.  Central Sandbox provides a truly multi-tenant test environment that copies production data for your testing needs.


    Central Sandbox is a Non-Production Tenant and includes the functionality of the Production Copy, enhanced Production Copy, and Performance Test environments. We will be maintaining your existing Production Copy, enhanced Production Copy, and Performance Test environments, until October 31, 2021.


    What this means for you:

    • If you are using Production Copy, enhanced Production Copy, or Performance Test environments on a current subscription, Zuora will maintain this product and support data refresh requests until October 31, 2021.
    • While current Production Copy, enhanced Production Copy, and Performance Test environments are supported, Zuora may not release new features or versions to these environments.  
    • If you have upcoming renewals for your Production Copy, enhanced Production Copy, or Performance Test environments, we will still support you renewing such products, but only until  October 31, 2021.  For example, if you have an upcoming renewal of Production Copy that starts December 1, 2020, your renewal term will be 11 months until October 31, 2021.
    • If you want to upgrade to Central Sandbox, please contact your Zuora Account team.

    Please contact your Zuora Account team with any questions and to learn about  Central Sandbox.


  • 2.  Notice of PCE, ePCE, PTE End of Life

    Posted 02-04-2021 18:09

    Would be great if we can broadcast this again to the community and ask all customers to check in with their AE & CSM if they have PCEs as lead up towards October 2021.