Zuora Revenue Notifications

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  • 1. Hot-fix deployment to Sandbox

    Posted 12-20-2022 21:49
    Edited by Jaisimha Vakati 12-20-2022 21:49 will be deployed to your sandbox on 21st December between 08:30 PM and 11:30 PM Pacific.  

    Issues addressed in this hot-fix:

    • Report Issue: MJE Detail report not balancing for Cost entries.
    • UI Issue: Determined CA/CL and CL Balance on Workbench header incorrect with Variable consideration.
    • UI Issue: Some MJE's status changed to error after approval when the second approver has override approver permission.
    • Report Issue: Beginning Balance Issue in Billing Roll-forward report.

    Production Deployment is scheduled for 26th December between 08:30 and 11:30 PM Pacific.

    This hot-fix will be deployed only if you are already on Please raise a Support ticket if you have any questions. 

    Jai Vakati

  • 2.  RE: Hot-fix deployment to Sandbox

    Posted 12-21-2022 23:01
    Edited by Jaisimha Vakati 12-21-2022 23:00
    This hot-fix also address a UI issue where the 'SSP details' option is not visible for a few RC's from the workbench.

    Jaisimha Vakati