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    Posted 08-06-2018 14:31

    New Partner App


    Tokenized Payment Gateway

    Does your business leverage payment tokens to maintain customer credit card confidentiality and collect payments via your payment gateway? Zuoras Tokenized Payment Gateway engine offers an out-of-the-box solution for this scenario. This app allows you to continue to work with your payment processor using payment tokens, maintain security/independence of your customers credit card information, whilst still leveraging Zuora for your billing needs. Over the past month, we have increased support for three new payment processing services: Datatrans, SiPay and Schibsted.


    App Updates


    Amazon Pay

    Now supported in the UK and EU (previously just in the US). 


    ONESOURCE Determination Tax Connector

    Following a branding change, the Sabrix Tax Connector is known as the ONESOURCE Determination Tax Connector. This change will not impact functionality of the app. 



    Product Updates



    Workflow has been updated with a Drag and Drop UI. The new UI provides the ability to strategically insert new tasks into an existing workflow, or attach multiple tasks to alter the workflow execution path. The enhanced UI also supports the ability to zoom in or out on a designated area of a workflow.


    Zuoras Workflow has a new Custom Code Execution task with limited availability. The custom code execution task is a priced function that is add on to the workflow service pricing is based on up to 10 million custom code executions per month. Executions are not to exceed 1,024 MB with an average execution time of 10 seconds. This priced function has an add on cost of $36,000 per year. Contact your salesperson for further information.


    Zuora Collect 

    New Feature Notes - Notes provides the ability to upload files, perform @mentions that notify the collections agent via email and on the Collections Window UI. This new feature also enhances the comment text (bold, italics, highlight, etc.) with the option to download all comments for a specific account.

    Configurable Payment Retry - Additional response codes added for configuration.

    Collections Window - Updated UI to allow for easier feature configuration and integration to other features of the Collect product.



    Documentation, including installation and configuration details, has been updated for the following apps under the instructions tab for the following listings:


    Visit Zuora Community, your personal hub for all things Zuora, and get additional support for Connect apps including:

    • Zuora Collect
    • Visit the Zuora Connect User Group to view Connect app documentation.
    • Get answers to your questions from other app users and our SMEs.
    • Help identify Bugs by adding "[BUG]" in the subject line and our team will look into it.
    • Share your ideas on helping us make the app better with Connect Ideas.


    Check out the Zuora Knowledge Center - Connect Marketplace page for detailed instructions on how to:

    • Manage Zuora Connect apps in your environment and Connect
    • Share a Zuora Connect app instance
